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ARID Newsletter

On-line Proceedings on Watershed Management

1.      Collaboration as a tool for improving quality and availability of drylands data  

2.      Overview: Dryland environments                      

3.      Planning and managing soil and water resources in drylands: Role of watershed management      

4.      Spatial variability in arid soils: Sampling and characterization issues                                  

5.      Collection and organization of source data    

6.      Assessing the capabilities of soil and water resources         

7.      Producing, conserving, and sustaining soil and water resources: The role of watershed management      

8.      An interactive Virtual Soil Museum: A pilot project of the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) with focus on arid soils       

9.      Interactional digital libraries: Uses and users  

10. Building a global arid lands information system: A collaborative approach  

11.  Linking geospatial technologies with social science: A powerful tool for development?

12. The Livestock Early Warning System (LEWS): Blending technology and the human dimension to support grazing decisions                    

13. Participatory geospatial research and development: Interactive access to spatially dynamic time-series satellite imagery for natural resources management        

14. Linking community participation to geospatial technologies  

15. Intra-governmental communication and the applications of GIS to improve wastelands in India  

16. Participatory GIS-based natural resources management: Experience from a country of the South  

17. Geospatial technologies: Tools for understanding complex systems  

18. Remote sensing of urban ecology at the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research Site    

19. Monitoring playa systems using remote sensing: Methods and applications    

20. Mapping groundwater recharge and discharge zones in the Kalahari: A remote sensing approach  

21. Using remote sensing and indigenous knowledge for management of ephemeral surface water  

22. Monitoring dust storms and mapping landscape vulnerability to wind erosion using satellite and ground-based digital images                   

23. Using geospatial technologies to understand prehistoric human/landscape interaction in arid Australia      

24. Wise resource use in times of water scarcity

25. Surviving in an arid land: Direct reclamation of potable water at Windhoek's Goreangab Reclamation Plant    

26. Rainwater harvesting in urban areas: The Chennai experience  

27. Inner city household water efficiency: A case study  

28. Reflections on an urban greywater system

29. Literatures both written and beyond words   

30. Landscape with words in foreground    

31. Part 1 Part 2  

32. African arid landscapes in literature and beyond   

33. Metaphorical and literal depictions of the desert in the Qur'an  

34. Communities at the margins: Arab poetry of the desert  -

35. The journey  

36. Days of summer rain  

37. Etching the desert  

38. Kyoto or no Kyoto, we must move forward   

39. Interactions of desertification and climate: Present understanding and future research imperatives      

40. Elevated atmospheric CO2 and deserts: Will increasing CO2 alter deserts and desertification processes?
Feedbacks between land surface and the atmosphere in the Sahel    

41. Smoke and desert dust stifle rainfall, contribute to drought and desertification  

42. The potential benefits of carbon sinks in dryland agricultural soils      

43. Desertification control to sequester carbon and reduce net emissions in the United States  

44. Human dimensions of carbon sequestration: A political ecology approach to soil fertility management and desertification control in the Old Peanut Basin of Senegal  

45.   Part 1: Physical and social linkages Part 2: Policy linkages  

46. China's Western Region Development Strategy and the urgent need to address creeping environmental problems     

47.  On the importance of defining terms   

48. Biodiversity links to cultural identity in southwest Morocco: The situation, the problems and proposed solutions  

49. Conservation and ethnobotanical programs of the Bioactive Agents from Dryland Biodiversity of Latin America Project
Polycultures in the Brazilian drylands: A new version of an old tradition   

50. Participatory mapping at landscape levels: Broadening implications for sustainable development and biodiversity conservation in developing country drylands  

51. Some thoughts on compatibility of structure and site   

52. Patterns of sustainability in desert architecture  1:   2:   

53. Rammed earth construction: Trans-cultural research in the Sonoran Desert  

54. Adobe: A timeless solution     

55. Reinforcement of existing adobe houses        

56. A report from the Pima County Alternative Building Materials Exhibit  

57. Diversity, an essential tool for small farmers   

58. Selected technologies for land and soil management in the cold and dry regions of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas  

59. Native Seeds/SEARCH and the preservation of regional genetic diversity  

60. The man who farms water  

61. The real dirt: A marketer talks about the trade of selling produce  

62. "Water in Cities": An artificial divide   

63. Australia's Urban Water Program: An integrated, nationwide initiative  

64. Integrating Urban and Agricultural Water Management in Southern Morocco    

65. Water and Cities in Arid Central Asia    

66. Constructed Wetlands in Southern Arizona              

67. Water Stress and Global Mitigation: Water, Food and Trade    

68. Regional Workshop on Establishing a Coalition for Implementing the CCD in South Asia   

69. Water as source of life, water as source of cooperation?   

70. Part I: The scientific-technical paradigm of river basin management Part II: Regulatory, closed and top-down paradigms of river basin management  Part III: Adapting the U.S.-Mexico paradigm  

71. Water, conflict resolution and environmental sustainability in the Middle East     

72. The Euphrates-Tigris basin: An overview and opportunities for cooperation under international law  

73. Toward jointly managing a transboundary aquifer: Creating a binational dialogue through community participation and education  

74. Water as an instrument for sustainable regional development  

75. Convention to Combat Desertification:
Current status in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean

76. RIOD and SCOPE:
Communication initiatives and local projects in Asia

77.  The CCD:An NGO perspective from Central Asia  

78. Combating desertification with indigenous agricultural technology at Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico      


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